The Depths Of Shallowness

Drowning, Drowning in Cynicism; Drunk, Drunk with Sentimentality; Down, Down with Love; Dunked, Dunked in Life. Desperate Discourse. Disposable Desires. Dusky Dreams. Delirium. Dignity. Despair. Doubt. Duty. Dewy Days. Divine Divide. Dump Everything that Bothers in The Depths of Defiance. 《我的快樂時代》唱爛 才領悟代價多高昂 不能滿足不敢停站 然後怎樣 All Rights Reserved ©Angeline Ang

My Photo
Location: Singapore

Tempestuous. Intense. Proud. Intellectual. Easily Bored. Consummate Performer. Very Chinese. Very Charming. Fair. Pale. Long, Curly, Black Hair. BA(Hons). Literature. Philosophy. Japanese. Law. Dense in Relationships. Denser in All Else. Brooding. Sceptical. Condescending. Daria Morgendorffer meets Kitiara Uth Matar meets Ally McBeal. Always dreamy, always cynical, always elusive. Struggling writer, artist and student, in that order please.

Monday, July 30, 2007

This Weekend Review

Happy Endings was an excellent, excellent play. I love how the playwright paid tribute to an iconic (actually the only in those days) book in local gay literature that is Peculiar Chris that must have meant so much to the gay population then and now - and thus we have a moving "sequel" through the imagined coming-of-age of author and protagonist. It was a play with heart and soul in which the dialogue and plot were as witty and self-deprecating as they come (dragonboat becomes drag-on-boat), ever mindful of cliches and corniness. The directing was intelligent and totally brought out the spirit of the play.

I watched it impromptu last Friday (bought show tickets only the day before and dragged Minxiu with me) on a last min whim and I was truly glad to have caught it. Eleanor Wong was seated behind me.

Saturday saw Minxiu and I sneaking into Golden to watch Vibrator at my cajoling and coaxing. I have no idea what an arthouse flick was doing in a porn theatre catering to old men but hey, I like what the director did with his earlier movies like It’s Only Talk and after missing this year’s M shown at the filmfest (bloody sellout for two shows!), I decided I would not let the venue deter me from catching it. All I need is a guy friend who likes movies (and me, haha) and all star signs pointed to my hapless companion of the morning.

Unfortunately, the movie was kinda slow and couldn’t live up to my huge expectations. Minxiu was bored, but no more bored-er than the sad single old males scattered all over the place who must have been truly disappointed at the lack of skin and sex with such an alluringly promising title (and hence premise). Really, there was no vibrator of that meaning appearing or being used. Towards the middle, one old man in our row even shifted himself to behind us, perhaps hoping to catch some naughty hanky-panky between the pseudo couple? Regrettably, the most salacious thing we did was whispering loudly into each other’s ears and sharing a snack that’s phallic (think long and hard) and creamy (but the cream is never enough) in nature. So, double whammy for those who came with the hopes of a sexy sex-filled show.

Happily, my S.H.E concert fared better in terms of appeal and I rounded up the night supper-ing at Blk 85 with Sis and Hwee.

Today I caught the Simpsons movie, ate at my favourite Changi Village kopitiam, went for a facial and then for my run. Talked to PJ on msn and I’m secretly pleased he asked me to watch so many theatre productions in advance (JBJ no ‘cos I watched it with Mr Dimples last year and yes, yes to Kumar and Pillowman). I’ll never have to live off the goodwill of my friends again!!!!!

Hmm, or should I be sad that I have fewer reasons to ask Mr Dimples out? :)

I like to think I did not waste this weekend. Sob, work beckons now but I shall sleep first.

Addendum: I was quite moved that Minxiu nearly died for me. Had he did, it would have been a most undignified one, the first of its kind, grabbing the headlines of every single bloody tabloid: Young Man Falls To His Death After Porn Movie or more titillatingly, The Trust Fall Of Lust or Thrusting & Lusting to Death in Golden and that sort of thing. I would be questioned and no one would believe my statement that we only watched the movie because it was an arthouse movie by a renowned director. Nobody cares about the boring facts. I could clear Minxiu's name by insisting we watched at my insistence but that's only in theory. It's so much more dramatic and romantic for everyone that a young man, after watching a porn movie, got so excited that in his eagerness to leave the theatre to do whatever, he nearly took a tumble and fell down the insanely staggered seating to his death in Golden, as his companion looked on in fascinated horror. And I kid you not about the staggered seating. But this is real life and so Minxiu was saved/safe.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Of Utility, Pleasure & Good

In Book VIII of his Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle categorizes three different types of friendship: friendships of utility, friendships of pleasure, and friendships of the good. Friendships of utility are those where people are on cordial terms primarily because each person benefits from the other in some way. Business partnerships, relationships among co-workers, and classmate connections are examples. Friendships of pleasure are those where individuals seek out each other’s company because of the joy it brings. Passionate love affairs, people associating with each other due to belonging to the same hobby organization, and fishing buddies fall into this category. Most important of all are friendships of the good. These are friendships based upon mutual respect, admiration for each other’s virtues, and a strong desire to aid and assist the other person because one recognizes their essential goodness.

Me: I'm glad you are out of the freezer.
This article made me think of you.

PJ: Haha thanks

PJ: Is our friendship of utility or pleasure?

PJ: Since i can't see any good out of it? :)

Me: It developed from utility to pleasure and I think we are slowly discovering the good. You have an easier time. but sigh...I have to find harder lor.

PJ: Yah I have slowly found the pleasure in doing the good deeds of befriending the down-trodden

Me: please bless *insert random mutual friend name* with your company then so that you may earn more karma to offset the infinite follies of your youth. I have found pleasure in flattering egos with my company :)

He will be in Singapore (again!) 18 - 27 August.


After PJ asked me if our friendship is of utility or pleasure (or implicitly, good), I started popping the same question to a few friends on my msn and I think this takes the cake.

Justin: Part utility and part pleasure.

Me: Tragic!!! No good?

Me: Can't you see my virtuous side??

Justin: Cannot. Likely i'm blinded by your utilitarian and pleasurable aspects.

Justin: Hmm, do u see my "virtues" then?

Kitiara: I suddenly dun. Hmmph

Justin: lol

Justin: Come on.

*No reply*

Justin: I go lunch. We can bicker later.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

When Safe & Sound Is Sane Enough

Me: Thank goodness we are not meeting today. I just got out from a long meeting.

Mr Dimples: That's horrible. Good that you are safe and sound.


Safe and sound?! This is the second time in a week I have had that from him. The first context is correct ie he was glad I'm back safe and sound from Tokyo as he knew an earthquake had happened during the period I was there. Safe and sound emergence from a long meeting feel excessively indulgent, if not entirely relevant :(

We shifted dinner to tonight.

Addendum: He wanted to make his virgin trip to the Orchard library before it exited from the book scene permanently (some say prematurely too but I think it's about time. The selection is small and it's hogging precious retail space). We picked up a few books to flip through and demonstrate to each other how we did our undergraduate research. It's tragic but the library couldn't hold Mr Dimples' attention very long and we left after 15 minutes (very possibly less). After which we wandered into a shop selling toys for toddlers and spent a much longer time there (0_0) The wooden toys for children are really quite fun in the old-fashioned way but the prices sent us reeling (not that we were even thinking of buying but they were that expensive). We ended up in Imperial Treasure Nan Bei after realising we have to wait for a table at the Crystal Jade Korean Ginseng Chicken & BBQ and had a nice table to ourselves.

Irony of the night -

Mr Dimples: I know you're not supposed to talk in the library. So message me, where is the library!

Monday, July 23, 2007

别让我看穿 朝往天涯的孤单 就好聚好散

I get to relive my student days now that my songwriting classes at FM have started. It is rather lovely to be in a classroom environment again, learning professionally about something you are passionate for. 师傅小寒 is natural and candid so the first lesson was fun and I felt really comfortable. Earlier on, before the class officially began, she has requested that each student rewrite the lyrics of a self-selected song for her to read and get a sense of our competency and standard. So encouragement came when she remarked to me that the lyrics I wrote was "不错哦" and all I could squeak out was "谢谢老师,请多多指教!"

破绽 词: 洪筱薇

Verse 1
想你的我很傻吧 为何始终牵挂 再次见面也只有我会尴尬
处之泰然太虚假 如何故做潇洒 接受当年的沉默就是解答
温柔的问我好吗 就像从没分岔 一个人幸福之旅有谁抵达
捧著没结果的花 梦游多少年华 莫忘曾任性宣誓非你不嫁

时间让回忆善良 忘了最初的迷惘哀伤 就好像分手没发生过一样
遗憾是爱到极端 象普通朋友那般 说得太委婉还有什么渲染
久违的荡气回肠 重逢了也要提防 不能再经历失去你的恐慌
反正习惯了就算 等到某天学会隐藏
过去能安详 爱得深切又何妨 看不出破绽

Verse 2
故事人说得沙哑 童话不信也罢 反正你一直就在等我长大
我也有我的想法 眼里只有你啊 哪会管附属的是什么代价
能放多久的长假 静止内心挣扎 爱的灵魂和肉体总有偏差
有一天我会放下 你也会蒸发 明白没彼此的一生不可怕

时间让回忆善良 忘了最初的迷惘哀伤 就好像分手没发生过一样
遗憾是爱到极端 象普通朋友那般 说得太委婉还有什么渲染
久违的荡气回肠 重逢了也要提防 不能再经历失去你的恐慌
反正习惯了就算 等到某天学会隐藏
过去能安详 爱得深切又何妨 看不出破绽

Final Line
别让我看穿 朝往天涯的孤单 就好聚好散

To be sung to the tune of 陈奕迅's《富士山下》

Ooh and she said to the class that the best way to write inspired lyrics is to 谈恋爱

Addendum: Does going to the zoo with Mr Dimples count?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

When The World Is Tokyo

Tokyo was everything tangible and symbolic of what I wish for. I never felt more liberated and alive as I roamed the streets and subways by myself. I am, finally, the carefree and care-less heartless I always imagine I can be, away from Singapore. The thoughtless romantic imbibing the delightful worldliness of alone-ness in a foreign land was no longer make-believe and pretence.This was a late coming-of-age independence (but never too late) and gladly, I am mature enough to embrace and appreciate the alone-ness without feeling lonely. And Tokyo was home to me, partly because I understand the language and culture and possibly, ‘cos I can pass off as Japanese (not the heavily mascara-ed, fake-lashed girls though but the more traditional ones. Ha).

A typical day would start with me setting off early (usually on my own if I need to visit stranger places) and I would enjoy my walks through the subway labyrinths and drawing the connections between one station and another. Weather in Tokyo was cool and usually watery – either a light drizzle or heavy downpour but everyone was always immaculately dressed. The guys were mostly in well-cut black suits complete with tie while the ladies were all in heels and lacey frills. It was a handsome and pretty picture. Anyway, the second half of the day would be spent with friends in Tokyo who would take me around to the fun places. Yes, friends in Tokyo, rather than the friend I was traveling with because Chinyi had her conferences to attend.

I hanged out with Shirley most of the time and through her, got to know two other brilliant and beautiful women: Justina and Katrina. These three were like the older sisters I never have (all > 10 years older than yours truly). And I love Katrina for bringing me to the label heaven and boutique town that is Premium Outlet where the four of us just kept encouraging one another to spend and spend because of the slashed prices. I bought a black Prada bag and the limited red edition of mini-Amazona bag from Loewe and a pair of Kenzo pants. I know I have excellent taste but it’s grand to have sisterly approval and endorsement.

I think I can survive in Tokyo, to stay here, alone. It’s a good feeling to know I can uproot so easily, even if I have no real plans to, yet. The only scary bits (all two of them) was when I got out of a wrong exit at night and was lost for all of 20 minutes, wandering by myself in the deserted freezing street, and when I was walking in Ropponggi (at night again) where the black men were touting and pimping. They did look very suave and smell very good though.

I din get to do what I wanted to do at Mt Fuji ‘cos it was icy-cold and gusty. So I was forced to give up, which is a nice conclusion too: forced to give up. That same night, I msged him, without expecting a reply, announcing that I’m finally in Japan now all by myself and it was not difficult at all as he has made it out to be two years ago. I also wished him well and remind him not to be a stranger. And this, perhaps, is closure enough from me to him.

This morning, I asked Mr Dimples flippantly if he missed me. He replied earnestly it’s good that I’m safe and sound because he heard there was an earth quake near Tokyo.

(But is that good enough?)


Tokyo Day I
- Watched 200 Pounds Beauty on SIA inflight entertainment
- Watched Seducing Mr Perfect
- Arrived at Narita at 7pm and reached hotel at 8.30pm
- Ate dinner at a really yummy sushi bar round the corner and drank milk

Tokyo Day 2
Met Shirley at 10am to visit
- Shinjuku and the 4 major departmental stores: Isten, Takashimaya, Keio, Odayu
- Tokyo Hands
- Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building
- Shinjuku Central Park
- Kabukicho
Bought a yutaka and wooden clogs from Uni Qlo

Tokyo Day 3
- Visit Mt Fuji + Hakone on a one day guided tour for 15K yen
Hardly the best of investment as weather was bad and I could not tell which is Mt Fuji until I’m actually on it. The strongest evidence I have of Mt Fuji is a posteriori. I felt the wind whipping my face and hair and the pain made me aware.
- talked to an American and his family on the bus and squashing the light urban legends of Singapore, replacing (regaling) them with more edgy fare.
- too tired for a proper dinner so had Nissin cup noodles

Tokyo Day 4
- Visited Tsukiji Market and had an excellent rice bowl filled to the brim with kani (snow crabs), salmon roe and sea urchin
- Bought jumbo grapes that cost 700 yen but is sold in Singapore for $99. Nice red winey aroma and taste.
- Namiyoke Shrine波除神社
- Tokyo Tower & Zoujouji Temple
- Tokyo University

Tokyo Day 5
- Sensō-ji 金龍山浅草寺 & Nakamise-dori & bargained prices down sucessfully by 1500 yen in Japanese
- Ate Mr Doughnut (which was no big deal)
- Odaiba with Shirley where she brought me to see the Rainbow Bridge, Statue of Liberty (as seen in one of the Japanese dorama classics With Love), Venue Fort (Palette Town), Fuji TV station/studio, Ferris Wheel, Aqua City, Decks. Dinner was a yummy and expensive grill.

Tokyo Day 6
- Yasukuni Shrine 靖国神社
Went there just to see what the big deal was. Was surprised by the open gallery of paintings that advocate peace and purity. Like seriously.
- Harajuku, 100 yen Daiso, Omotesandō which were all also no big deal.
- Had yakitori for dinner

Tokyo Day 7
- Label heaven day as mentioned in the preceding paragraphs
- Dinner at Korean restaurant
- Katrina kindly invited me to put up at her place for my next visit (yay!)

Tokyo Day 8
- Ueno &下谷神社 & Oicity
- Met Shirley and Justina for tea at Italian coffee house before we browsed through all the high end boutiques at Ginza and unleased the taitai fiend in us. We din buy much ‘cos we have conquered many at Premium Outlet. It’s really fun shopping at high end boutiques in Japan because their service is excellently discreet and I can finger any product I like without irritating sales assistants intruding into my private space (asking if I wanna buy and offering more info that I do not care for) and rearranging the item immediately after I have put it back as if to disinfect it. Duh. Yay to taitai shopping in Tokyo!
- Shashabu at Shabu Zen in Roppongi till close to midnight
- Being accosted and propositioned by black men

Tokyo Day 9
- went to Narita Airport real early to catch my flight
- watched Protégé and Mr & Mrs Smith

Back into Singapore, my home and country and waiting for me at the airport was my baby sister. So cute and adorable. Have I mentioned we are working in rival companies. Heh. So proud of her.

What next? Where next? who next? :)

Monday, July 09, 2007

Off To See The World

And I'm off to see the world. In Tokyo, Japan 9 - 17 July.

For someone weaned on Japanese drama serials (think early 90s classics like Tokyo Love Story, In The Name Of Love, Heaven Coins, Long Vacation, Say You Love Me), this can only be good.

And I promise myself I'm gonna play Eason Chan's Fuji Mountain on Mount Fuji and truly imbibe the serenity and generosity of the song, and perhaps then, the letting go will always be so much easier thereafter.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

He Calls It The Fear Of Rejection

I’m not sure how it sheds any light on a matter long put to rest (read: inertia, closeted and somewhat forgotten) but for the record,

Mr Dimples: I don’t make the first move because I’m afraid of rejection.

Me: I think if the girl likes the boy, she will definitely be sending out signals, and it is just too bad if the boy happens to be a block of wood who cannot read the clues.

YQ: I think what he means is an irrational fear of rejection per se. Doesn’t matter what the clues are, obvious and otherwise, it’s irrational, it’s fear!!

Mr Dimples: *nods earnestly*

Me: *rolls eyes dramatically* (sadly I don’t think anyone noticed, because it was too dark in the car and my intended audience next to me was probably keeping his eyes on the road)


DSD gets a little worse every year. This year’s theme comes across as recycled, particularly for the last 30 minutes of the show. I have been asked to wave the little Singapore flag they were giving out two years ago again today. Very déjà vu, very strange.


Dinner in Blooies at East Coast on Mr Dimples who is newly promoted with YQ as our impromptu guest. I was secretly pleased to have YQ along so that we touched upon the topics that matter: BGRs, which between Mr Dimples and I, we have managed to avoid talking about it steadfastly and completely, saved from a third person’s perspective (my friend says etc etc). And somehow, YQ brought up my pet male peeve (which I have written in an earlier post): that granted it is sad to have no one making advances towards you, still, it is, nevertheless, equally undesirable to have sadder looking members (in looks and personality) of the opposite sex believing they have a chance to hit off with you. Something which is obviously new and of interest to Mr Dimples as he has never heard me on that, that I do go Ewww in the Mean Girls sorta way (not in their face though, I’m still nice in that way) when Cannot-Make-It-Guys, be it strangers or acquaintances, attempt to be friendly and more.

I don’t whether to laugh or cry when Mr Dimples appears eager for my validation that he passes my QC and I wouldn’t Ewwww at him. Hello? Duh? Are you blind, stupid or both?

Sob. Why am I always in a situation where the guy doesn’t get it? This is despite just before Blooies and YQ, we had a part 1 dinner at his favourite Hokkien mee place and throwing all caution to the wind, I remarked just as breezily that the white in his hair made him look extremely distinguished.

Friday, July 06, 2007

The Not-So-Red Herring

At 8.13am today:

Mr Dimples: Are you the publicist Angeline Ang who is quoted on pg2 Life! today?

Me: Oh no! Was it that obvious? When the reporter called me yesterday, I spoke on the condition they don't list my company :)

Mr Dimples: How many Angeline Ang are 26, are publicists, and have possible connection to Hong Xinyi? Technically, you should not be implicated because you are really 27.

Me: Oh yes I told her to please state 26 years of age as a red herring. So clever right. I'm only sorry she still write me as a dim sum dolly fan - I did stress to say I'm an avid theatre goer. Hmph. Well. I suppose I could take pride that my quote was the climactic finale rounding up the headlined feature.


Mr Dimples and I will be watching DSD this coming Saturday. Wanted to go Ember for dinner but when we called to make reservations, the place was already packed and we were fifth on the waiting list. Sigh. When else can we eat in Chinatown that has great food and lovely ambience?

Monday, July 02, 2007

Empowered & Accomplished

- Went for regular dental check
- Went for facial
- Went for hair trim
- Bought shorts
- Went for an evening run > 3 km in the open is good for a start especially when I was talking and running at the same time.
- Dinner with running companion April

- Watched Nancy Drew the movie (I love her preppy frocks and polished yet vibrant vintage look)
- Watched The Girl Who Leapt Through Time movie
- Collected my new The King & I musical tickets from SISTIC Box Office (I had to change the matinee show to an evening one due to my implending lyric class) and returned them my originals.
- Collected my replacement XD card from Sim Lim Square
- Met April, Lingxiu, Angel, Huizhen and Tonghui for steamboat/porridge buffer dinner > which we agreed on hindsight age is catching up, because we just cannot stomach too much food anymore. Those Pizza Hut piggy days are so over. It’s shameful but we only ordered one round and still, we had leftovers!

I would like every day to be as accomplished and fulfilling. It’s never too late to start.