The Depths Of Shallowness

Drowning, Drowning in Cynicism; Drunk, Drunk with Sentimentality; Down, Down with Love; Dunked, Dunked in Life. Desperate Discourse. Disposable Desires. Dusky Dreams. Delirium. Dignity. Despair. Doubt. Duty. Dewy Days. Divine Divide. Dump Everything that Bothers in The Depths of Defiance. 《我的快樂時代》唱爛 才領悟代價多高昂 不能滿足不敢停站 然後怎樣 All Rights Reserved ©Angeline Ang

My Photo
Location: Singapore

Tempestuous. Intense. Proud. Intellectual. Easily Bored. Consummate Performer. Very Chinese. Very Charming. Fair. Pale. Long, Curly, Black Hair. BA(Hons). Literature. Philosophy. Japanese. Law. Dense in Relationships. Denser in All Else. Brooding. Sceptical. Condescending. Daria Morgendorffer meets Kitiara Uth Matar meets Ally McBeal. Always dreamy, always cynical, always elusive. Struggling writer, artist and student, in that order please.

Friday, February 29, 2008


It was a mundane moment, a most ordinary, yet romantic scene I have often envisaged that would one day happen to me, since it’s such the cliché, and yet when it does, WTF, the male lead is someone’s boyfriend.

He called much earlier from his office than expected to say he was tired of working and would be on his way to fetch me. As I heaved my two cloth bags of barang barang to the porch to wait for the familiar white car, I told myself sternly it’s strictly an exercise of labour and utility that I was seeing him and there’s really nothing to get excited about. And the two new beanie toys on his car ledge were good reminders of how he has already pledged his allegiance to another.


看你的信会痛 连沉默也痛

To an outsider in Lau Pa Sat, we would look like any other office lovebirds who had worked late and were looking for dinner. Dressed alike in blue, with him in a striped long-sleeved shirt and me in a retro Japanese frock, we are the pseudo comfortable couple. We talked easily like an old couple: him indignantly of his work and me of my impending happiness, weighing in each other’s opinions. Except that this is now someone else’s dream. I am merely borrowing for a night.

He suddenly blurted out our time in PanPac hotel together and once again I was pleasantly surprised by what he remembered, of our many conversations and what happened. But really, I am no fool. Eventually, I felt better after I had laughed in his face that he is the typical boring engineer with no life and even his girlfriend is a boring Math teacher. He actually agreed, and gave me an embarrassed and weak smile. I felt I had gone too far and added brightly that at least he studied in UK, that should count for something.

His phone rang. I looked away as he spoke. He said a series of no to the person on the phone, and that he would call later when he’s back around 11pm, that he hoped teachers didn’t sleep that early before hanging up. Now I do feel like the evil third party exhorting my friend to sin. I looked at him quizzically and he said no, it’s not her. And then he asked me a stupid question: Do I think he would talk like that to her? Duh. How would I know. I don’t want to know and I don’t care.

I stood up. It’s time to go.

We spoke of whether we were of high or low maintenance in a relationship as we strolled back to his car, and some other light-hearted nonsense. And then he grabbed my arm – to stop me in my tracks and presumably not because he was scared - apparently there was a cockroach in front. And I do apologise for the trivial documenting but such is life and my pathetic stream of consciousness that has nowhere else to channel towards.

He parked at my place and carried my barang barang into the lift. I waved goodbye and was horrified when he attempted to see me to my house door (my place is a mess and it definitely bans male visitors). This is good enough, I said. And emphasised that even males who volunteered to clean my aircon and cook are not allowed in. Even? He raised an eyebrow, are you downplaying my gesture and actually thinking males who clean aircon and cook are better?

Whatever. You don’t belong to me anyway.

恨不懂你会痛 想见不能见最痛

While writing this entry, I received an sms from him: I delegated a job today. So happy!

This is in reference to our conversation the night before, when he said he found it hard to delegate and redistribute responsibilities, preferring to undertake everything himself.

I wonder if he tells her the same thing on sms.

I wonder if I am the first person he wanted to say it to.

And I know, that it shouldn’t matter.

And I dreamt of him and her (whom I have yet to meet) and me sitting at the same table last night.

你在就好了 能重来那就好了

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I know, I know. That he's no longer exclusively mine to quietly rejoice over anymore when he does something to win my favours. But he can still have my friendship. I'm sure he's unaware of it but at times, he says the exact right thing that still makes me rue over what I may have potentially lost, maybe not now but in the inevitable future.

I was sms-ing him yesterday late evening: that I'm currently attending the last production meeting of the last show I'm doing. And sigh, I have mixed feelings.

He was very busy and so the reply came only this morning, in which he apologised and said he had wanted to tell me that there would be more such 感触良深 moments, to remind that I have done my part and to remember the good bits. "Remember the XXX concert? Nobody bothered and you made a difference."

I was really quite touched that he remembered this particular simultaneously high and low stage of my life which was truly significant for me. I'm quite sure not even Best Friend understood its full impact on me but he seemed to know.

I think he is very tired and worn out from clocking 12 hr work days for the last two weeks but he's allowing himself to be my chaffeur as I shift out my barang barang bit by bit at 9pm.

I know, what the fuck am I trying to prove to myself through documenting this: that he likes me?! Oh, please. It's so over.

And yes, dear reader. It's over. I was a fool but no longer. I bring happy news in my 501th post. I'm moving out. From there. I'm over the moon. And so I am allowing myself the pleasure of his company. I'm going where dreams come true. He can't be part of it but I can always share, and I know he will always listen.



Friday, February 22, 2008


It's been quite a number of days since I indulged in mock nursing of a broken heart. The novelty has worn off and I'm wary of becoming the cliche (I'm annoying even myself). I apologise to my dear teacher friends, some of whom are Math teachers too. Hey, I'm sure Math teachers are fetching. It's just that in comparison to me, you know, how everything sorta fades into the background, even though I'm already pretty pale myself. In any case, I still have to face up to the fact we are friends and we have to, at least once, hang out in April as the twosome for a musical.

Like what Meihui says and what this article endorses, maybe he wants to settle down and settling need not embody passion and romance, just someone you can consider partner to run a household with and live together. I shldn't be taking this too personally from a quintessentially boring engineer right, especially when I still want my roses, expand my branded bag limited edition collection and live the young tai-tai debutante fun high life attending parties, theatre productions, launches and concerts.

Of course he should have asked me first if I were willing, but maybe my Oscar-winning performance as the smart and sassy career girl who cherishes her independence and freedom and other friends way too much to give him more time was all too convincing. Hell, I convince even myself! I really need someone to pop the question before I know if I would readily give all up. Hypothetically I imagine I would, but yes, it's sad I love playing hard to get such that no one even dares to plunge and ask upfront anymore.






我们, 还是朋友。

Sunday, February 17, 2008

He Wasn't Man Enough For Me - Updated

While he made his choice, I had also chosen. So I was able to beam with sincerity because my own happiness renders everything and everyone else insignificant. Perhaps also because I am secured in the instinctive womanly knowledge I am superior in charm and character even though we have yet to met. I am not an easy person to love and it is even less easy to be the recipient of my affections.

It is, nevertheless, interesting that for Valentine’s Day, he brought her to where I first brought him where Mr Veins first brought me.

It is also strangely upsetting that I don’t feel much at all upon learning the latest developments, despite the reasons in the first paragraph that explain why. This is what I have always feared, that my feelings are just carbon copies of what is aroused and preached by movies, songs and books. I just want to like someone and thus, it is all too transient and transferable, tangential on whom I happened to be seeing a lot of, provided I am sending and sensing The Vibes in turn, obviously.

Addendum: It must be quite obvious by now that reality takes a good day and more to sink in when it comes to yours truly, especially when the revelation was done in a manner as casual as ordering our Mac breakfasts (nothing like, erhem, the last time when something was actually said, or rather accused, and there was an embarrassing showdown in a romantic restaurant at night). A friend asked and he just said he asked before Valentine's and that was their first Valentine's. I fiddled with my fish burger and said brightly: Good for you! without looking at him. And that's it. Period. He didn't volunteer any more info about her and I only managed to sneak in a couple of general questions before I decided this was so pointless.

After exhausting myself by playing mahjong at his place till evening and meeting my other friends till past midnight (I really didn't want to have dinner with my MJ kakis - why give him the satisfaction of my company?), I tried to sleep at 2am and I was really tired out. But I woke up at 6.30am and I'm not sure what that means to Freud but I couldn't sleep anymore and I couldn't dream either.

How can a 25 year old secondary school math teacher be possibly more fascinating than me. Like seriously.

Best Friend: He is engineer, I doubt fascinating is what he wants. But seriously, so mean and dull to bring her to restaurant you brought him. And insensitive!

I hope they live boring-ly ever after.


Me upon seeing YQ repairing bits of the MJ table after the game -

Me: Whee, that's so macho, I like!

Mr Dimples: *yelling from the sink where he was washing the cups* Hey, I can do that too!

Me: My opinion doesn't matter, remember? You don't have to impress me anymore.

Yes, that's bitter but I was smiling and laughing when I yelled back.

YQ says that's okay cos now that I have seen Mr Dimples doing 5 pull-ups before my eyes on the very high pull up bar he had installed at home, I can forgive him for anything for that was very manly and macho.

Except he wasn't mine to forgive anymore.

I see that he has just started on guitar lessons from the newly bought guitar in his room. That should have nothing to do with me anymore, either. But damn, he had to pick up the guitar and play something even though he had had only one lesson so far. I don't know what the hell he was playing but he looked damn good in that pose on his bed with the guitar.

Okay, nothing to do with me anymore.

我不想舍得 不想懂得
是谁惹谁 言不由衷