The Depths Of Shallowness

Drowning, Drowning in Cynicism; Drunk, Drunk with Sentimentality; Down, Down with Love; Dunked, Dunked in Life. Desperate Discourse. Disposable Desires. Dusky Dreams. Delirium. Dignity. Despair. Doubt. Duty. Dewy Days. Divine Divide. Dump Everything that Bothers in The Depths of Defiance. 《我的快樂時代》唱爛 才領悟代價多高昂 不能滿足不敢停站 然後怎樣 All Rights Reserved ©Angeline Ang

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Location: Singapore

Tempestuous. Intense. Proud. Intellectual. Easily Bored. Consummate Performer. Very Chinese. Very Charming. Fair. Pale. Long, Curly, Black Hair. BA(Hons). Literature. Philosophy. Japanese. Law. Dense in Relationships. Denser in All Else. Brooding. Sceptical. Condescending. Daria Morgendorffer meets Kitiara Uth Matar meets Ally McBeal. Always dreamy, always cynical, always elusive. Struggling writer, artist and student, in that order please.

Monday, April 05, 2004

10 Things I Love about my New Job

1) My cubicle is strategically positioned to offer me plenty of privacy from prying and irrelevant eyes (you wouldn’t believe how often this crazed colleague attempts to peer over my partition. But my cubicle is secure and steady enough to fend off her unwanted attention. In fact, she can’t see anything and I can look up and catch her in the act and ask very coolly, “Yes?” And, she’ll mumble “Nothing.”
2) I get to work with nice people like CK whom I already know quite well.
3) I get to work with talented and efficient people like CK.
4) I can speak as much Chinese as and when I like
5) My table is free from clutter because thanks to the exodus from my previous department, I no longer have to do petty and hateful things that filled me with contempt for myself (so awful to despise oneself!). My table now looks important. I placed a nice picture of our 2001 Bangkok trip and another of our Night Safari expedition. Well, Shimin you are in both. Heh. So is Hong Boon. And so is Someone else. Well, means nothing? Saved they hold good memories of a time when all I worry about was you making me mad and buying loads of bags and clothes at excellent prices.
6) I’m doing important work that makes me puff up with pride. Even though I must say it’s still way too early to celebrate. But I’m biased. Anyhow, I just wrote a press release and a marketing proposal for an event my department is doing. Feedback on the press release was positive. Proposal: status unknown. Hell, it’s a remarkable improvement from what I used to do (once again, things that horrify, replete my days with dread and misery, and make me loathe myself so) so I’m happy.
7) I get to do stuff I like and believe in with all my heart.
8) I can watch all the free shows I like (coz we organisers mah).
9) I no longer have to put up with conversations going over my head about how slim/pretty/bosomy/sexy someone (usually the most senior and then the ping-pong follows ie no lah, I fat, you wheregot fat I even fatter etc) is or that someone has a nice top/rebonded hair/dyed hair etc. conversations that drone on and on for an hr plus that I can’t respond effectively (or even pretend to) ‘coz it’s just so uninteresting to me. I can’t even muster up strength and energy to act enthusiastic. I do talk about hair (c’mon I worry about mine all the time!!! And yes it looks nice, sometimes) and I love shopping but I do not relate to their way of enthusing over the issues that are close to my heart. Kinda sad but I’ve learnt to accept that. Sometimes, between one person and another, we can only be this close. Especially when your conversations get as far and deep as hair and shopping and there’s that. Period. ‘Nuff said.
10) The best, best thing about my new job is possibly the low chair that comes along with the new cubicle. Previously my chair was high and cannot be adjusted. So I can’t cross and slip my legs under the desk comfortably. Now, ha! I feel dignified and comfortable and professional.

10 Things I want materially (possible to achieve with minimal effort) to make me happy

1) Longer hair with curls that cascade properly. Well I just need to wait for my hair to grow out. Just trim it so the layers are making the curls unruly (one side curls better than the other). But I can still let down the hair and feel positive (on bad hair days, I hate). On the very bright side, I can pin up all my hair now that I’ve the trim. It can look quite chic and cool, whether I make an effort or not, so long as I pin it up (it looks nice when messy done and when it’s neat it looks good too).
2) More earrings, the exceptionally nice ones.
3) More bags, the attention-seeking ones.
4) More time to write my romances.
5) To watch The Prince and Me (Julia Stiles Rocks!).
6) To laze around one whole entire day reading books I’ve bought and yet read.
7) Watching Saturday Night Fever The Musical (bought tixes for next week liao, woah!)
8) KTV
9) KTV
10) KTV

Well, Ezo asked me to go with her post her med exams. Kaile said we could go together. So did Chin-yi.

Baby, all I wanna do is to sing for a living.

I can really believe this.

5 Things that would make me very happy but requires monumental effort and luck and the impossible ability to stop imagining I’m losing face by doing something to advance/the sheer thinking about my relationship with Someone

1) Finding pretty clothes that fit and fall on my current frame fantastically.
2) Losing 5-10 kg from my current frame.
3) Going out with Someone and doing stuff together and just telling him I enjoy spending time with him. What’s so difficult abt this!!!! Tell me about it. It’s not like I’m confessing something more important. How come I find saying such a simple thing a loss of face, a kind of giving-in on my part. I’m so sooooo weird. Maybe the day I said it to him, 10 kg worth of baggage will fall off me immediately. Yeah, it’s all his fault.
4) Getting published.
5) Getting to know someone new.

I dun really like the idea of (5) and in fact I’m really adverse to knowing new people. But I suppose new people = new dynamics, and the addition might inject a much deserved something (what, I have no idea) into my life. Well that’s why it requires such great effort and luck (kama). And maybe I can cross out (3) when the time comes. Whew!


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