Out, Damned Spot! Out, I say!
Me: Erm. Coming from a guy, that doesn’t sound like good news. Clever is not the adjective to describe a bag.
Minxiu: But it is a clever bag!!
Me: *shudders* Fine. But you are scaring me.
Me: *shrieks happily upon receiving bag* IT’S A MENSTRUATING BAG!!!
Yes,what do I know. I really, really like that bag, (a much improved choice from the vintage USA bag) and I would actually use it.
Very quirky, very wisecrackly, the bag is indeed clever, and menstruating. Brought to me from Shakespeare’s Globe, the bag had lines from Macbeth immortalised on it,
Out, damned spot!
Out, I say! ~ Act 5, Scene 1
complete with the requisite, oh-so-essential red blotches, all splashy and trickling realistically. It also caused my sis to have a minor fit: Jie, what did you do to this bag!!!!
I also received a miffy book and a pair of earrings that’s supposed to ward off all things and people evil.
Thanks Minxiu!!! Check out his UK picture post here.
And we finally managed to catch Love Story after two nights of trying to fit in each other into impossible schedules.
It was whimsically good, without making me feel it was trying too pretentiously hard (apart from a few segments in the second half). But I did wonder if all the layering and meandering confused even the director himself and hence what was originally deliberately abstract earned a mental life of its own and shook off the maker, rendering the movie to be incoherent even if you were to think everything to the bone. Oh, and the movie reminded me of theatre in general. I love the theatre bits to death. Nevertheless, as with all late night movies, Minxiu and I nodded off, albeit at different scenes.
I have incredibly lousy things happening to two brilliant people I happen to care very much about. Singapore is damn fucked up. Can you please stop screwing your talents?
During the last hour, I have learnt that he is not seeing anyone. That I bear a passing resemblance to his sister whom he is rather fond of, even if I’m the one saying so (his mum thinks I sound like her though. She has talked to me believing I was her daughter when I called previously and I was like woah, hold). That he is really very caught up with his legal responsibilities and is in love with the job.
That kinda made me feel better, in the grateful begger way that I have come to detest feeling.
Urgh. Loser.
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