The Personal Is Political III: AWARE-D
Of course, the takeover was wrong. But I am stunned at how unprepared these people were in their responses, be it from previous interviews or that day on stage. C’mon, at least put up a decent fight and say something intelligent and sensible. Your most memorable quotes have become mocked instant classics, how sad is that. Even your supporters who spoke up were jokers, coming across as possibly insane. So it was pretty much a lop-sided fight and that, is absolutely disappointing and odd. What in the world could have motivated you to destroy your name and reputation in such a kamikaze way? Those sitting on stage were rude, petty and infantile. Whether it was tactical or otherwise, Ms Lau carried herself well, being a gentle and polite speaker. Unfortunately, the best responses were bimbotic to say the least. For everyone else up there, apart from stating brute hard facts (I estimated we spent 90k) and repeating tired phrases such as “we shall consult the legal counsel”, “please sit down and conduct yourself in an orderly manner” – probably to buy that few precious seconds to think, or breathe in deeply – they reacted pretty much in alignment in general: obfuscated the point and 答非所问, completely ignoring the issues brought up and 答非所问 again or made empty statements that 答非所问 once more. If you insist on the right to reply, can we then have something with substance, please?
On the other hand, it was touching to see the founding members and long-time members speaking up one after another with flair and emotion. Still, it begged the question if it had mattered so much, why did they lapse in their vigilance. You can’t deny it was probably living in a comfortable zone, with a good measure of complacency thrown in. They might be very passionate and dedicated, and successful in their research and clinics, but it was happening in a vacuum. You can’t go very far without publicity and marketing these days. Besides, I dare say they have very little chances of attracting members in the first place (if it were an initiative within their primary radar at all), if people who have studied feminist theory like myself are not, ironically, that aware of their diverse work (and it was not focused upon by our professors either!). And even if I were somewhat aware, I was always somewhat unconvinced and dubious too about what it stands for. So if I, who have feminist sentiments and am sympathetic to the movement, have not been won over, what chance do they have with the uninformed masses?
(and so, I joined because of two things: to ensure religion does not infiltrate the secular – this must be condemned and stopped immediately; now that AWARE is shaken out of its long reverie, maybe it can be a start to something really good and if it’s something I can believe in, I want to be a part of it too)
For me, it was most inspiring to see my professor (of feminist theory) speaking up for feminism and what it stands for and why the newly ousted exo cannot be the ones leading. She has only just joined as a new member too, and is living testimony that academics do not always hide in their ivory towers. An ex-honours classmate spoke too and she’s the rare few who definitely exceeded her 3-minute speech and completing it with no one minding. She’s the sort who rarely spoke in class then, and fights for airtime only on things she really cares about, and so her unexpected delivery was quite moving to me too.
I’m most proud to see so many familiar faces that turned up. And I guess we did make a collective difference. Hell, I’m proud that the government did not intervene either. Good job everyone and please stay that way. It’s our only chance grow progressively as a society.
In any case, moral of the story is: Things don’t end with a successful conquest. It’s only the very, very beginning. There has to be story development from there. This is something founding members and long-time members have to etch in mind now that they have their NGO back. You lost previously because you do not have a plan for membership continuity and renewal. You can win now because your rivals do not have a plan at all after winning the elections. As a new member who was (and still is) academically interested and suspicious in/of the existence of your organisation, I hope you have a plan now and I look forward to being engaged in a meaningful and dignified dialogue to dispel my doubts for good.
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