心系祖国, 放眼世界

I couldn't upload in order. But all Dunmanians will live by 诚 信 勇 忠 - we do our darnest to live a principled life and one of purpose.

The heritage site that no longer exists but is remembered fondly. Every nook and cranny has a ghost haunting. Hell, I love the old school premises in Katong. It's bad enough we had to scuttle to Tanjong Rhu but what is this: that we are temporarily shifting to Mr Vein's alma mater's former dwelling place?! Is this A Sign?? Heavens forbid that I hyperventilate and overreact. Anyway, I'm secretly pleased at this tenuous connection. I am sure the irony does not escape him. 'Cos way before the public announcement, he brought me to see his college and surroundings to mourn its demise and (re)moval from the landscape that hosts it. And now you tell me my alma mater is gonna be here?!

The guest of honour is hot. He has the height I adore and a great smile that crinkles up his whole face in a most endearing way. I do think he can do with a better PR and marketing associate - ie me - managing his image and his words, ceteris paribus. This is said in reference to his overall adventures in public speaking and not just tonight.
The -_-" moment of the night: I was looking for the I'm-usually-omniscient-but-not-tonight Mr Kiw so after making table rounds up and down with Minxiu to no avail, I thought I would just approach one of the (ex) students in charge and demand to know where 邱老大 is. So after a short bout of observation, I decided to speak to a pink shirt guy wearing a lanyard - there were a few of them and I saw Mr Ang and some students talking to them. So in all politeness, I went up to one and asked if he were from DHS and one of the event organisers. I was suitably horrified when he said sheepishly he's the PM's personal body guard. Can faint lor!

I love the specially commissioned Dunman High dolls. They are so cute. So I took pictures of them and used them as props to take pictures with. See here for more pictures of dolls and people.

Cutting the birthday cake: We had to stand up and sing the school song too! The cake is a plain butter cake. All the nine slices served to my table had no other decorations. No Cream, no Fruit, Nothing.

So I remember.
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